Sunday, January 22, 2006

Workin' on the weekend...

I currently work in the field in which I have a B.A., in a job I like to refer to as The World's Most Boring Job Ever. In case that's not clear enough, I'm hoping to find something better. Unfortunately, TWMBJE pays really quite well (they know it's boring) and so finding something equivalent is a reasonably tall order, and, worse even, jobs in my field are exceedingly rare. In other words, I need to look for one of those ever-elusive jobs that is willing to hire me simply because I have a BA and am smart (and modest too!) (and white, and raised middle-class, and speak English & French naitively, and have impressive-sounding schools on my CV).

Beyond the boring-ness of this job, it is also part-time, has no benefits, and very little opportunity for advancement. None of these characteristics scream "career".

One of my goals for this semester (which I am writing down as a way to keep myself honest) is to figure out a direction in which to head. In other words, I need to outline the kind of job I hope to find, and then figure out who can get me or give me that job. Should I attempt to convince people I could work as a translator (because Montreal is really lacking in bilingual people, oh yeah), or should I transition to a "tech-y" job (I certainly know my way around a computer), or perhaps I can find a non-profit that needs a nice, smart person to do - something?

That's my goal. Of course, suggestions are always welcome. *grin* I keep hoping beyond all reason that a fairy will appear in the night and tell me what I need to do with my life. Unfortunately, the job fairy seems to be on strike...


Jake said...

Damn that job fairy anyway.

Dave Schipper said...

Work fairy... boy you've reminded me of the four bitchin babes song, the boob fairy... I think I might have to repost this to if I can find it again.


wish you the best.
