Sunday, May 20, 2007


It's official - my parish discernment committee now exists, and will be meeting for the first time this coming week to be trained by a representative of the diocesan committee. The members are an interesting mix of people (there are 4 members, including one from the university community which I have attended for 7+ years now). I look forward to exploring my call with them and figuring out how they see me being of service to the church - they are all people whose opinions I respect, and I am honoured that they will be spending so much time, voluntarily, to talk and explore this with me.

This last point hit home as I was pondering this development while transiting home. These people are enthusiastically volunteering their time to be on this committee - simply because I am interested in exploring this call! Incredible.

I hope that I will be receptive to their help and make the most of this time of discernment.

1 comment:

Jared Cramer said...

congratulatios! this is an exciting moment and i pray that your discernment process is powerful and full of wisdom!